Founders’ Wall

Posted by on Jun 10, 2011 in Donor Recognition Art, News, Public Art, Visual Art | 0 comments

Founders’ Wall

In keeping with the overall donor recognition theme of the Abramson Center near Philadelphia, the design segments for this donor wall reflect the Seven Species:  barley, wheat, pomegranates, olives, dates, figs, and grapes.  I was given the templates (the outer shapes) of each of the four segments and worked to fill the spaces with balanced artwork in the style of traditional papercuts. The fabrication was completed by Welch Architectural Signage by laser-cutting my designs out of Formica and mounting them on Corian backing.

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Chai Society Donor Plaque

Posted by on Jun 10, 2011 in Donor Recognition Art, News, Public Art | 0 comments

Chai Society Donor Plaque

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Day School Anniversary Donor Art

Posted by on Jun 10, 2011 in Donor Recognition Art, News, Public Art | 0 comments

Day School Anniversary Donor Art

Knowing this would hang in a school hallway, I found inspiration for the piece in a child’s paintbox.   The client requested a clean, colorful image that would brighten the hall while honoring major donors.

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River of Words Ketubah

Posted by on Jun 10, 2011 in Ketubah Art, News, Papercuts | 0 comments

River of Words Ketubah

A palette of color, complementary lettering styles and a vision of simplicity and movement were all that were needed to develop this ketubah.   The small papercut ‘shema’ with tiny gold leaf specks picks up the lightest line of text, written in gold, and brings the entire piece to life.

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PA Supreme Court Certificate

Posted by on Jun 10, 2011 in Awards, Certificates, and Commissioned Works, News, Visual Art | 0 comments

PA Supreme Court Certificate

Even a buttoned-up certificate from the state’s highest court can come to life when color is added!   I regularly craft certificates such as this one, and add personal touches in the limited space available, in keeping with the clients’ instructions.

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Duty Tours

Posted by on Jun 10, 2011 in Awards, Certificates, and Commissioned Works, News, Visual Art | 0 comments

Duty Tours

I am often honored with crafting a memento for families, and this piece is an example.  The poem was written by a man whose family found this poem he’d written captured his enduring legacy.   Lettered in gouache in the blues and greens that they chose, this is a most simple piece that belies the work that goes into measuring, laying out text, choosing styles, and mixing paints.  A very gratifying ‘job’ this is! The movement of color throughout the piece is accomplished by adding a new color to the pen nib with a tiny brush just before it runs dry, allowing the colors to blend together as they are laid down on the paper....

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