Congregation Shaarei Shomayim, Madison

Posted by on Jul 18, 2013 in News, Upcoming Events | 0 comments

Congregation Shaarei Shomayim, Madison

It’s with delight that I anticipate a return to a creative and welcoming Reconstructionist Congregation Shaarei Shomayim in Madison, Wisconsin on Friday, July 20, 2013 where I’ll be a guest lecturer for the Shabbat evening dinner.  I’ll be lecturing that night on contemporary Judaica, with a look back as far as the 1950’s, and I will be sharing some outstanding images of creative and inspiring ritual art … and some of the best kitsch around, starting with my favorite right now:  the 1963 Bas Mitzveh Zombie Bookend.  Scared me then and scares me now! The congregation meets in the Frank Lloyd Wright Unitarian Church in Madison, and having just completed work on a new synagogue building in my own community, I relish the idea of examining that most thoughtful architectural...

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Concert – Chai Point, Milwaukee

Posted by on Jul 18, 2013 in News, Upcoming Events | 0 comments

Concert – Chai Point, Milwaukee

We’ll be flying high in Madison on Sunday, July 21, 2013 as the University of Wisconsin’s Mayrent Center hosts A Bisele KlezKamp, and the following morning, all-star performers Lauren Brody, Hank Sapoznik, Kurt Bjorling, Cookie Segelstein, and dance instructor Jill Gellerman will join me for a full concert with dancing at the Chai Point Senior Living Center in Milwaukee.  It’s a rare and exciting gathering for which we have all been preparing for months.  If you’re in the area, the concert’s at 1:30 pm at 1400 North Prospect Avenue in...

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Fish Ketubah

Posted by on Jul 12, 2013 in Ketubah Art, Papercuts | 0 comments

Fish Ketubah

Oh, how I love commissions that send me to the library!  The couple who requested this ketubah had a short list of specifics:  salmon and trout in rotational symmetry, ivy, bilingual texts in a circle… with  bits of the border design dipping into that circle.  So I got to swim with the fishes!  The painting is ‘glazed’ with 5 successive layers of transparent watercolor, leading to an illusion of depth as sunlight filters through water. The border painting was created separate from the text and mounted on acid-free mat board, allowing it to float above the text about 1/8″.  It’s a marvelous look that creates another aspect of depth. A fine mist of mica flecks makes the surface of the border painting...

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Tall Trees Ketubah

Posted by on Jul 11, 2013 in Ketubah Art, News | 0 comments

Tall Trees Ketubah

Simple, simple, simple, abstract, long and narrow, palette of warm greys, teal greens, and pinks.  OK!  As stripped down as this appears to be in contrast to other ketubot I’ve crafted, the ability to identify the minute details of what couples want is a necessary skill I bring to all my work.  We were back and forth with many mock-ups, and after mixing up paints to match the paint chips the couple provided, we went through a ‘discovery period’ and finally settled on this image. The text is modern Hebrew, laid out in a ragged format (no justified margins) to interact with the abstracted leaves to the sides....

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Summer KlezKamp at Kutsher’s!

Posted by on Jun 10, 2013 in Upcoming Events | 0 comments

Summer KlezKamp at Kutsher’s!

The pull of the Catskills in the summer – it’s in our collective memory!  Join some of the finest practitioners of Yiddish culture for a week of rollicking art, music, and intellect with a Jewish twist as the KlezKamp team sets up camp at Kutsher’s in Monticello.  The dates are August 27 – September 2, 2013.  Click HERE for all the details!  Having worked my way through college on the activities staff at Kutsher’s near the tail end of the glory days of the Borscht Belt, I can vouch for the stunning beauty of the region in late August.  We will raise the roof at the hotel and revive that Yidishe ta’am with classes, concerts, and dance sessions for a whole week!  Make your plans...

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