Poring over Shop Drawings!

Posted by on Apr 22, 2013 in News, Susan at work, Visual Art | 0 comments

Poring over Shop Drawings!

  A few months before this photo was taken, I never would have imagined myself at home in a woodworker’s shop studying architect’s drawings!  But here I am, poring over Steve Spector’s plans for the ark wall about to rise in a new synagogue as I calculate the amount of art glass I’d be cutting and grinding.  Back in junior high school, when my friend Eve Sandberg petitioned all the way to the superintendent of schools to be permitted to take wood shop (and failed!) neither of us could have imagined this.  What a life! (photo by Michael Green)    ...

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At work on a Torah Mantle

Posted by on Apr 22, 2013 in News, Susan at work | 0 comments

At work on a Torah Mantle

Mmmm… luscious colors and textures!  Silks, Czech beads, and fabulous ideas gleaned from the questionnaire I sent to Hillel members at Goucher College and the two full time staff members all come together here as I piece together a Torah mantle for the organization’s first Torah of its very own.  What an honor – and what a delight!...

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Synagogue Datestone

Posted by on Apr 21, 2013 in News, Public Art | 0 comments

Synagogue Datestone

A love and respect for lettering arts means that I often have a knee-jerk reaction to seeing Hebrew letters pulled up from a website with no real understanding of their historic forms.  My reaction to seeing a rough computer rendering of this datestone had me jump to say, “Please, let me hand letter this!”  This is not my first rendering ‘carved in stone’ as it were, and it pleases me greatly to see it...

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A Bisele KlezKamp – University of Wisconsin, Madison

Posted by on Apr 19, 2013 in News, Upcoming Events | 0 comments

A Bisele KlezKamp – University of Wisconsin, Madison

I can’t wait to return to Madison in the summer!  For the fourth time, some of the finest practitioners of Yiddish culture will descend on the University of Wisconsin to celebrate with song, dance, lectures and concerts!  Picture Michael Wex talking about anything Yiddish!  Cookie Segelstein, Lauren Brody, Kurt Bjorling and others will provide live music for traditional dance, and Henry Sapoznik and I will dazzle the crowds with fascinating lectures and demonstrations.  A huge concert will top off the day.  AND IT’S FREE!!!  Sunday, July 21, 2013 at Union South.  If you’re anywhere nearby, don’t miss it! A jump-start on the event:  Click HERE to see the faculty and full schedule of...

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Torah Dedication – New Mantles at Dickinson College

Posted by on Apr 18, 2013 in Jewish Ritual Art, News, Public Art, Susan at work, Visual Art | 0 comments

Torah Dedication – New Mantles at Dickinson College

I was commissioned to craft two Torah mantles for scrolls at the Dickinson College Hillel.  A metal and glass ark by Gary Rosenthal preceded the commission and I used the timing as an opportunity to engage students in a workshop to really look at the colors, textures and images of the ark.  The students identified color and worked with me as we sketched the two different mantles.  Here’s the result!  A ceremonial wimple accompanies the Torah mantles and hangs near the ark when not in...

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