Yiddish Folk Arts in St. Croix

Posted by on Jan 15, 2015 in News, Upcoming Events | 2 comments

Yiddish Folk Arts in St. Croix

In deepest (coldest!) winter, I look forward to flying south for a week and bringing everything I’ll need for an arts residency to the island of St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands.  There’s a small but vibrant Jewish community, and Congregation B’nai Or will be my host as I work my Yiddish magic with a backdrop of blue waters and white sands!  The residency will include a Shabbat lecture on the evolution of Jewish ritual art, a hands-on papercutting workshop, a multi-lingual concert in the beautiful St. Croix Reformed Church, and a visit to The Good Hope Country Day School where I’ll have children singing is a language they never heard before!  If you find yourselves in the Caribbean between February 2 and 9, 2015, join me for a multicultural experience with a yidishe tam! ________________ On the flip side:  The residency was a warm and brilliant experience with encounters with people making it a daily peak experience.  The 7th through 12th graders at the GHCDS, a sprawling and energetic campus, jumped right in, singing in Yiddish, peppering me with questions, and drawing from their own experiences to make the time we spent together relevant!...

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Blue Water Ketubah

Posted by on Jan 4, 2015 in Ketubah Art, News, Papercuts, Visual Art | 0 comments

Blue Water Ketubah

The request was clear and challenging!  This couple had met at university where they were both swimmers.  Specific college blue and a text laid out to indicate the movement of water.  This simple and elegant design took shape in the center of the paper, written in Shiela Water’s updated version of Carolingian lettering, with an opening Hebrew paragraph matching the English by the tilt of the lettering.  The border design is built up of multiple ribbons of watercolor paper of varying textures and weights.  Dots of 23K gold leaf complete the design, catching...

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3rd Annual Adrienne Cooper Dreaming in Yiddish Concert

Posted by on Jan 2, 2015 in News, Susan at work, Yiddish Music | 0 comments

3rd Annual Adrienne Cooper Dreaming in Yiddish Concert

The Judson Church off Washington Square was packed with 400 people on December 30, 2014, to honor the memory and brilliance of Adrienne Cooper, and to award Michael Wex with this year’s Dreaming in Yiddish prize.  Above is an image of the finale of the musical performance of the Kanonen song from Brecht and Weill’s Threepenny Opera, translated from the German into Yiddish by Wex himself.  An all-star band backed us as we belted out the Army Song and others, accompanied by the brilliant puppetry and staging of Great Small Works and Power Point translations which made the text a little less inscrutable!  What a night!  Singers above include Sarah Gordon, Eleanor Reissa, Tine Kindermann, Dan Kahn, myself, and...

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Adrienne Cooper Dreaming in Yiddish Event

Posted by on Dec 22, 2014 in News, Upcoming Events, Yiddish Music | 0 comments

Adrienne Cooper Dreaming in Yiddish Event

December 30 is the night that people will gather in the Washington Square area for the third annual Dreaming in Yiddish event, hosted by Great Small Works and honoring a dear friend, Michael Wex.  The heart of the program will be a presentation of excerpts from Wex’s Yiddish translation of Brecht/Weill’s Three Penny Opera, with a stellar cast and orchestra.  I’ve been invited to be part of the Yiddish fracas and will be on stage singing the Army Song with who knows how many other friends and colleagues and Useless with Tine Kindermann.  Not to be missed!  Please click HERE for more...

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Donor Recognition and Tribute Book

Posted by on Dec 14, 2014 in Awards, Certificates, and Commissioned Works, Donor Recognition Art, News, Public Art, Visual Art | 1 comment

Donor Recognition and Tribute Book

L’dor va’Dor is the appropriate title of this book to honor donors and the names that appeared on plaques in a previous synagogue building which was destroyed by fire.  The wooden book was fabricated in Maine by Welch USA, and I quilted and painted the fabric insert.  The exterior brass binding seen below was crafted to match a border design that I developed for the main donor recognition wall. Shown here prior to being stretched and mounted into the wooden frame, this quilted silk was put together in a palette that matches the new building in which it is placed.  The words ‘L’dor vador’ (Generation to generation) are painted in gold with copper accents, and embellished with small clusters of Czech beads at the ‘waistlines’ of the letters....

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