Illuminated passage

Posted by on Apr 18, 2013 in Awards, Certificates, and Commissioned Works, News | 1 comment

Illuminated passage

This colorful piece of lettering art was commissioned to honor a man who had served many years doing important interfaith work within a large community.  In the style of illuminated manuscript art, the incorporation of original Hebrew text and its English translation makes it a cherished...

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Torah Mantle – L’Dor Vador

Posted by on Apr 8, 2013 in Jewish Ritual Art, News, Public Art | 0 comments

Torah Mantle – L’Dor Vador

Goucher College Hillel commissioned this mantle to cover a Torah rescued from Czechoslovakia after WW II.  The mantle is crafted of silks, and is heavily quilted.  Student input helped determine the color palette, the wording (“From generation to generation…”) and the image of a tree.  Tiny Czech rocaille beads cluster at the waistlines of the letters and on top of the ‘tagin’ (crowns) that top a few of the letters. Made to fit the Torah exactly, a matching wimple (binder) completes the new covering for the Torah scroll.  Designed to be handled considerably, the mantle has hardwood rings at the top and the top is padded.  The lining fabric is a sturdy material with considerable ‘slip’ to allow the mantle to glide onto and off the Torah when used.  A full flapped back gives the mantle lots of room to wrap around the Torah and to be foolproof when a person unaccustomed to the honor steps up to dress the scroll.    ...

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Trilingual Kannada Ketubah

Posted by on Apr 5, 2013 in Ketubah Art, News | 0 comments

Trilingual Kannada Ketubah

It’s a rare and wonderful aspect of my work that I learn so much in working with people.  This tri-lingual ketubah features a language from the state of Karnataka in India – Kannada.  I was commissioned to write the text and then the groom’s brother picked up the ball to create the accompanying artwork, so it was a great...

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Torah Mantle – the beginning of the journey

Posted by on Mar 19, 2013 in News, Public Art, Susan at work | 0 comments

Torah Mantle – the beginning of the journey

The opportunity to craft two Torah mantles and wimples for Goucher College Hillel sent me to Chinatown in NYC to seek a variety of shantung silks.  What a delight, after a day of walking all over Chinatown, Soho, and the Lower East Side, to come upon Belraf Fabrics and proceed to say, “Some of this, and this, and this, and that…”  Racing home to the sewing machine, you can see here the first few days’ of quilting activity.  These bands will be incorporated into the top and bottom sections of a mantle for a rescued Torah from Czechoslovakia, hence the palette of palest silvers, golds, greys, and ivories.  The finished design will incorporate a slender tree and the Hebrew words “l’dor va’dor” – from generation to...

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Jewish Museum of Maryland

Posted by on Mar 5, 2013 in News, Upcoming Events | 0 comments

Jewish Museum of Maryland

On Sunday, April 14, I will be presenting a concert sponsored by the Jewish Museum of Maryland as part of a program titled Songs of Arrival/ Stories of Refuge.  The program will take place at 4 pm at the University of Baltimore’s Langsdale Auditorium, 1420 Maryland Avenue.  Following short presentations by a Colombian singer/songwriter, a Ugandan drummer, a Turkish folk music troupe, and a talk by Mark Hetfield of HIAS, I will present a concert of Yiddish songs of the immigrant experience to cap the day.  East coast cities are still rich in cultural exchange, and I’m delighted to round out this day’s programming with the voices of Yiddish speaking immigrants who poured into Baltimore as part of the wave of Eastern European immigration starting in the late 1800’s.  Click HERE for more...

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