Posted by on May 20, 2014 in Awards, Certificates, and Commissioned Works, News, Visual Art | 0 comments

For his 50th birthday, parents chose to commission a hand-lettered and illuminated physician’s prayer to hang in their son’s office. We all sat down together, and the wish list developed around the core text (sometimes referred to as the Prayer of Maimonides), a Hebrew poem by Yehuda ha Levi that synthesizes the same intentions, and a shopping list of personal imagery.  This was the first time that I studied the varied markings and colorings of the boa constrictor!  As a young person, the recipient had raised a pet boa, and it was his choice to have that family pet wrap around the staff of Asclepius!

In the night sky (painted in 4 layers of watercolor wash) hangs the constellation of Orion, and winding around the piece on the left side is the passage from the Torah about the pole that Moses is instructed to fabricate in order to stop a plague among the recalcitrant Israelites.  This image, later interpreted in Greek myth as the Rod of Ascelpius, and then accidentally conflated with the Caduseus of Mercury, stands as a symbol of healing today.

Additional personal inserts include the names of family members in micrographic lettering, a raised gold star of David, and flecks of mica in the night sky, barely visible, but sometimes catching the light to glitter.

The piece was framed in 8-ply mat and frame molding that honors the respectful and solemn intentions of the words.

physician's prayer 2014


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